Voting for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

On September 18th, 2020, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, died. Which was such a huge loss for plenty of reasons. One, she was a huge feminist advocate and an amazing human. Two, she did so much for society, especially women. Three, her death puts a lot of basic human rights in a shaky place. Especially if Trump wins.

For those of you who’ve heard of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - also known as the notorious RBG - but don’t know exactly who she is or never even heard of her, she was and is a very important figure in woman’s rights. She was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1933. She graduated from Cornell University with a bachelor’s degree, she then went to Columbia Law School. She became an advocate for gender equality and woman’s rights throughout this time. She was appointed to the U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia until she was appointed to the supreme court in 1980. In 1972, she co-founded the Woman’s Right project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which was incredibly successful.

That summary doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the amazing work Ruth Bader Ginsburg did in her lifetime. She was strong, smart, and an important figure that history won’t be able to forget.

With that being said, her death opened a spot up in the supreme court. One of RBG’s last wishes was to “not be replaced until a new president is installed.” This means that whoever replaces RBG will be picked to purposely fulfill the agenda of whoever will win the election.

RBG was an advocate for many things that should be classified as basic human rights by the government but unfortunately aren’t: abortion, gender quality, basic woman’s rights, etc. She was one of the main driving forces in trying to make sure we have those rights. If Donald Trump were to win again, he has already nominated Amy Coney Barnett. Barnett is the complete opposite of RBG. I can say with full confidence that she will use her position of power to set women back decades. Or at least try to. Which - in a room full of republican men - shouldn’t be exactly hard to do. Especially for someone who has already stated that abortion is “always immortal”.

I understand the hesitation to Joe Biden - he’s not exactly a prize - but we need someone who wants to keep human rights. It’s the bare minimum but unfortunately, that’s what we need now.

Politics can seem like a very daunting, hopeless thing but it’s still so important to vote, especially for this election. Choosing not to vote during such an important election is so counterproductive this year. Basic human rights are at stake. If you can’t vote, try telling your parents, siblings, friends, relatives, etc. Not only for yourself, family, any woman in your life, but also for Ruther Bader Ginsburg and her legacy. We have to keep her legacy alive especially in times like these.

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