The Basics of Manifestation (A Beginner’s Guide)

When I first started learning about manifestation, I expected to learn how to attract anything into my life, as if casting a spell. I assumed that it was merely a silly way to try and gain anything I wanted, but I’ve come to find out that there is a lot of philosophy behind manifestation. 

Really, manifestation is based in logic–and psychology, at times. A large misconception about manifestation is that it involves some sort of magic, but really, there’s much philosophy and explanation behind manifestation and how it works within one’s consciousness. 

I recently finished reading “The Power of Assumption” by Neville Goddard, in which Goddard paints out the skeletal structure of manifestation. He explains how consciousness, imagination, and assumption all play a role in manifesting our desires. I find that these principles he discusses are the fundamentals of manifestation. 

1. Consciousness

The first step in understanding manifestation is accepting that you are the universe. It sounds like a loaded statement, but in actuality, it’s a philosophy based in reason. 

You may have heard the phrase, “your perception is your reality.” This is the idea that fuels this philosophy. Your interpretation of the world is based purely on your consciousness–or, in other words, your perception of reality is the only thing that exists to you. It’s all you know, and everything that exists exists through your consciousness and your perception. It is thought that, because of this, you can be defined as the universe. 

2. Imagination

Given that your perception is your reality, changing your consciousness or perception of the world changes the world. To obtain what is desired, one can begin to alter their consciousness through their imagination. 

One of the biggest beliefs within manifestation is that you must allow your desire to be a possibility in order for it to be obtained. What does this look like?

A simplified version of this idea is positive thinking. Let’s say I have a difficult history test coming up. If I constantly tell myself that I’m going to fail this test, I’m destined to let myself fail due to my negative outlook. In order to pass the test, however, I have to believe that I have the ability to do it. If I imagine that I can pass the test, passing the test becomes a possibility to the brain, thus making it more possible. 

By imagining what you desire and how it feels to have that desire obtained, you gain the perception of actually having that desire fulfilled. Without this outlook, it is much harder to obtain what one wants.

3. Assumption

Given these past two points, using the power of assumption, one can manifest their desires into reality. 

Again, this process of assumption is to make your desire an “option” to your brain. Your brain must understand what it feels like to obtain your desire in order to obtain it, and assumption allows this process to happen. 

However, this isn’t merely “wishing” for something. One must assume they already have what it is they desire. They must fully imagine and assume that their desires are already within them or that they have already obtained them.

For example, I could imagine that I got an A on my history test the night before I take the test. I could visualize getting the test back, with a large ‘A’  written in the right hand corner. My friends would congratulate me, and a physical weight would be lifted from my shoulders. I would leave class with my head held high, knowing I passed an important test. 

It is through this process that one’s desires are fulfilled. If one truly believes that they already obtain their desires, they will obtain them. The power of assumption is truly a way to utilize your imagination to achieve your goals and dreams. 

Though there are many more principles behind manifestation, these are three of the most important concepts to grasp as a beginner. Manifestation is based in the philosophy of the consciousness mind and understanding that your consciousness is the universe. Because of this, using imagination and the power of assumption can alter the universe, since these each have the ability to alter your consciousness. 

Through learning about this philosophy, it’s easy to see how much power your brain and your consciousness have. Manifestation has a lot of logic behind it, and understanding how it works is the first step in learning how to utilize your consciousness. 


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