Lovingly Yours, Hopefully Mine.

Dear Future Partner,

I imagine you sometimes. I imagine you tall enough to reach the shelves in our kitchen I can’t, but short enough that we can dance to the music that plays after the movie without me standing on your feet. I imagine you to be unfailingly kind, but that you’ll smile when I complain about our friends on the car ride home. I think you’ll have the kind of smile I’ll write prose about and look at me like every person wants to be looked out. I hope you’ll like my Mom and my Dad, I hope you has a big family and have never felt like disappearing. I hope you have good friends, and people who love you as much as I will. I want you to be happy without me, but happier with me. I hope you knows to love hard, to love with every fiber of your being. But I would not mind teaching you how.

Sometimes I wonder if you love someone else right now. Some days that makes me sad, sad that there are moments between you and someone else that I will never understand. Most days I just pray you’re happy, that no one is unkind to you, that people love and appreciate you. I know not everyday is good, but I hope the good days will outweigh the bad. I hope you know your worth and like to watch the sunrise. Often when I stay up too late, I think about where in the world you are right now. Imagine you getting up for work somewhere far away, making toast and lacing up your shoes, always a little late. I imagine you calling your parents on Sundays and knowing how to cook the perfect pancake.

I can’t know the faults you’ll have or the things we’ll battle. But I know if we love each other we will win. I know that you will be a person I can rely on, I know that we will love each other, and that we’ll do the best we can. And that’s all you can really strive for. We will make our lives together and it will be beautiful.

Lovingly Yours,



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